Cepheid NatTrol

GenExpert NAT controls


Molecular Controls & Panels for Infectious Disease Testing

Cepheid® GeneXpert® Platform Controls & Panels

The following ZeptoMetrix® NATtrol™ External Quality Controls and Verification Panels
have demonstrated performance on the Cepheid® GeneXpert® Platform.

*IVD = In Vitro Diagnostics; IVD/CE = In Vitro Diagnostics and CE marked; RUO = Research Use Only

Gastrointestinal (GI)
Part Number Product Description Use*

Clostridium difficile
NATCDI-6MC-IVD NATtrol C. difficile Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATCDI-6MC NATtrol C. difficile Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATCSO-6MC-IVD NATtrol C. difficile Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATCSO-6MC NATtrol C. difficile Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATCDIVP-C NATtrol C. difficile Verification Panel (6 x 1.0 mL) RUO
NATNOV-6MC-IVD NATtrol Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATNOV-6MC NATtrol Norovirus GI/GII Positive Control (6 x 0.125 mL) RUO
NATNOVI-6MC-IVD NATtrol Norovirus GI Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATNOVI-6MC NATtrol Norovirus GI Positive Control (6 x 0.125 mL) RUO
NATNOVII-6MC-IVD NATtrol Norovirus GII Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATNOVII-6MC NATtrol Norovirus GII Positive Control (6 x 0.125 mL) RUO
NATROTA-6MC-IVD NATtrol Norovirus Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATROTA-6MC NATtrol Norovirus Negative Control (6 x 0.125 mL) RUO
Healthcare-Associated Infections
Part Number Product Description Use*
Antibiotic Resistant
NATCRVP-C NATtrol Carba-R Verification Panel (10 x 0.06 mL) RUO
NATMRSA-6MC-IVD NATtrol MRSA Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATMRSA-6MC NATtrol MRSA Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATMRSAP-C NATtrol MRSA Verification Panel (4 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATMRSANP-C NATtrol MRSA Verification Panel (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATMSSA-6MC-IVD NATtrol SA Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATMSSA-6MC NATtrol SA Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATMSSE-6MC-IVD NATtrol MRSA/SA Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATMSSE-6MC NATtrol MRSA/SA Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATMRSA/SAP-C NATtrol MRSA/SA Verification Panel (5 x 0.5 mL) RUO
Part Number Product Description Use*
NATFRC-6C NATtrol Flu/RSV/SARS-CoV-2 Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATCV9-6C NATtrol Flu/RSV/SARS-CoV-2 Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATSARS(COV2)-ERC NATtrol SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) External Run Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATSARS(COV2)-NEG NATtrol SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFLUAB-6C-IVD NATtrol Influenza A/B Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATFLUAB-6C NATtrol Influenza A/B Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFLUA/B-6MC NATtrol Influenza A/B Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATCXVA9-6C NATtrol Influenza/RSV Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATCXVA9-6C-IVD NATtrol Influenza/RSV Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATCXVA9-6MC NATtrol Influenza Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATCXVA9-6MC-IVD NATtrol Influenza Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATFLURSV-6C NATtrol Influenza/RSV Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFRVP-C NATtrol Influenza/RSV Verification Panel (21 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFVP(XP)-C NATtrol Influenza Verification Panel (18 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFLUAH1N1-6MC NATtrol Influenza A H1N1 Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATRSV-6C NATtrol RSV Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATRSV-6C-IVD NATtrol RSV Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
Women’s Health & STIs
Part Number Product Description Use*
Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/NG)
NATCT(434)-6MC-IVD NATtrol C. trachomatis Positive Control (6 x 1.25 mL) IVD/CE
NATCT(434)-6MC NATtrol C. trachomatis Positive Control (6 x 1.0 mL) IVD
NATNG-6MC-IVD NATtrol N. gonorrhoeae Positive Control (6 x 1.25 mL) IVD/CE
NATNG-6MC NATtrol N. gonorrhoeae Positive Control (6 x 1.0 mL) IVD
NATCT/NGNEG-6MC-IVD NATtrol CT/NG Negative Control (6 x 1.25 mL) IVD/CE
NATCT/NGNEG-6MC NATtrol CT/NG Negative Control (6 x 1.0 mL) IVD
NATCT/NGP-C NATtrol CT/NG Verification Panel (17 x 1.2 mL) RUO
Group B Streptococcus
NATSAG-6MC-IVD NATtrol Group B Strep Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATSAG-6MC NATtrol Group B Strep Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATLAC-6MC-IVD NATtrol Group B Strep Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATLAC-6MC NATtrol Group B Strep Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
Trichomonas vaginalis
NATTVPOS-6MC NATtrol T. vaginalis Positive Control (6 x 1.2 mL) RUO
NATTVNEG-6MC NATtrol T. vaginalis Negative Control (6 x 1.2 mL) RUO
NATTVGP-C NATtrol T. vaginalis Verification Panel (17 x 0.7 mL) RUO

*IVD = In Vitro Diagnostics; IVD/CE = In Vitro Diagnostics and CE marked; RUO = Research Use Only
Molecular Controls & Panels for Infectious Disease Testing
Cepheid® GeneXpert® Platform Controls & Panels

Critical Infectious Diseases
Part Number Product Description Use*

NATEVPOS-6MC-IVD NATtrol Enterovirus Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATEVPOS-6MC NATtrol Enterovirus Positive Control (6 x 0.2 mL) RUO
NATEVNEG-6MC-IVD NATtrol Enterovirus Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) IVD/CE
NATEVNEG-6MC NATtrol Enterovirus Negative Control (6 x 0.2 mL) RUO
NATEVP-C NATtrol Enterovirus Verification Panel (20 x 0.2 mL) RUO
Group A Streptococcus
NATSPY-6MC NATtrol Group A Strep Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATSDG-6MC NATtrol Group A Strep Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATSAVP1-C NATtrol Group A Strep Verification Panel (24 x 0.1 mL) RUO
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)
NATMTBP-C NATtrol MTB Verification Panel (5 x 0.6 mL, 6 x 1.6 mL) RUO

Cepheid NatTrol
Gen store September 14, 2022
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Zetometrix NAT
NatTrol controls