Part Number Product Description Target Use*
NATADV1-ST Adenovirus Type 1 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATADV1-STQ Adenovirus Type 1 Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATADV3-ST Adenovirus Type 3 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATADV3-STQ Adenovirus Type 3 Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATADV4-ST Adenovirus Type 4 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATADV5-ST Adenovirus Type 5 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATADV7A-ST Adenovirus Type 7A Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATADV31-ST Adenovirus Type 31 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATAMR-ERC AdV/hMPV/HRV Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATBRD-6L Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis Positive Control (6 x 0.25 mL) RUO
NATCOV(229E)-ST Coronavirus 229E Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATCOV(NL63)-ST Coronavirus NL63 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATSARS-ST Coronavirus SARS Stock (1 mL) 25 to 28 Ct RUO
NATFVP-NNS Flu Verification Panel (7 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFRC-ERC NEW Flu/RSV/SARS-CoV-2 External Run Control (6 x 0.5 mL) 15,000 copies/mL RUO
NATCV9-6C Flu/RSV/SARS-CoV-2 Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFRC-6C Flu/RSV/SARS-CoV-2 Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATHIN-STQ Haemophilus influenzae Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATHMPV-ST Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATHRV-STN Human Rhinovirus Type 1A Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATFLUAH1-STQ Influenza A H1 Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATFLUAH1-ST Influenza A H1 Virus Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATFLUAH1-ERCL Influenza A H1, External Run Control, Low (6 x 1 mL) 28 to 31 Ct RUO
NATFLUAH1-ERCM Influenza A H1, External Run Control, Medium (6 x 1 mL) 25 to 28 Ct RUO
NATFLUAH1N1-ERCL Influenza A H1N1, External Run Control, Low (6 x 1 mL) 28 to 31 Ct RUO
NATFLUAH1N1-ERCM Influenza A H1N1, External Run Control, Medium (6 x 1 mL) 25 to 28 Ct RUO
NATFLUAH1N1-6MC Influenza A H1N1, Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFLUAH1(2009)-STQ Influenza A H1N1pdm Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATFLUAH3-STQ Influenza A H3 Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATFLUAH3-ST Influenza A H3 Virus Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATFLUA/B-6MC Influenza A/B Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFLUAB-6C Influenza A/B Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFLUAB-6C-IVD Influenza A/B Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) CE IVD
NATFLUB-STQ Influenza B Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATFLUB-ST Influenza B Virus Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATFLUB-ERCL Influenza B, External Run Control, Low (6 x 1 mL) 28 to 31 Ct RUO
NATFLUB-ERCM Influenza B, External Run Control, Medium (6 x 1 mL) 25 to 28 Ct RUO
NATCXVA9-6MC Influenza Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFVP(XP)-C Influenza Verification Panel (18 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATCXVA9-6C Influenza/RSV Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFLURSV-6L Influenza/RSV Positive Control (6 x 0.25 mL) RUO
NATFLURSV-6C Influenza/RSV Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATFRVP-C Influenza/RSV Verification Panel (21 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATKPN-STQ Klebsiella pneumoniae Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATMERS-ST MERS-CoV Stock (1 mL) 25 to 28 Ct RUO
NATMPN(M129)-ERCL Mycoplasma pneumoniae M129, External Run Control, Low (6 x 1 mL) 5,000 copies/mL RUO
NATMPN(M129)-ERCM Mycoplasma pneumoniae M129, External Run Control, Medium (6 x 1 mL) 50,000 copies/mL RUO
NATPIV-ERC Parainfluenza Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATPARA1-ST Parainfluenza Virus Type 1 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATPARA2-ST Parainfluenza Virus Type 2 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATPARA3-ST Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATPARA4-ST Parainfluenza Virus Type 4 Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATPJI-ERC Pneumocystis jirovecii Recombinant, External Run Control (6 x 0.5 mL) 23 to 25 Ct RUO
NATPPA-BIO Pneumonia Panel; Atypical Bacteria & Viruses (12 x 0.2 mL, 2 x 1.2 mL) RUO
NATPPQ-BIO Pneumonia Panel; Quantifiable Bacteria (17 x 0.2 mL, 3 x 1.2 mL) RUO
NATRPC2.1-BIO Respiratory Panel 2.1 (RP2.1) Controls (12 x 0.3 mL) RUO
NATRPC-NNS Respiratory Pathogen Control 1 (12 x 0.25 mL) RUO
NATRPP-1 Respiratory Pathogen Panel 1 (6 x 0.25 mL) RUO
NATRSV-6C Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) RUO
NATRSV-6C-IVD Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Positive Control (6 x 0.5 mL) CE IVD
NATRSVA-ST Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Type A Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATRSVA-STQ Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Type A Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATRSVB-ST Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Type B Stock (1 mL) 22 to 25 Ct RUO
NATRSVB-STQ Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Type B Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATRVP-NNS Respiratory Verification Panel (15 x 0.5 mL; 2 x 1 mL) RUO +1.800.274.5487
*RUO = Research Use Only; IVD = In Vitro Diagnostic; CE IVD = In Vitro Diagnostic with European CE mark
Respiratory (continued)
Part Number Product Description Target Use*
NATRVP-GMK Respiratory Verification Panel (20 x 0.2 mL) RUO
NATRVP-IDI Respiratory Verification Panel (20 x 0.6 mL) RUO
NATRVP2-QIA Respiratory Verification Panel 2 (21 x 0.25 mL) RUO
NATRVP2.1-BIO Respiratory Verification Panel 2.1 (24 x 0.6 mL) RUO
NATCOV2(OMC)-ERC SARS-CoV-2 Omicron, External Run Control (6 x 0.5 mL) 50,000 copies/mL RUO
NATSARS(COV2)-VP SARS-CoV-2 Variant Panel (4 x 0.5 mL) 50,000 copies/mL RUO
NATSARS(COV2)-NEG SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Negative Control (6 x 0.5 mL) 50,000 cells/mL RUO
NATSARS(COV2)-NEG1 SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Negative Control (6 x 1.0 mL) 50,000 cells/mL RUO
NATSARS(COV2)-ST SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATSARS(COV2-UK)-ST SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Variant B.1.1.7 Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATSARS(COV2-SA)-ST SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Variant B.1.351 Stock (1 mL) 1,000,000 copies/mL RUO
NATSARS(COV2)-ERC SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), External Run Control (6 x 0.5 mL) 50,000 copies/mL RUO
NATSARS(COV2)-ERC1 SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), External Run Control (6 x 1.0 mL) 50,000 copies/mL RUO
in NaTtrol
Gentaur Bvba vAT BE0473327336
September 9, 2022
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